I built a big wedding venure on a 50x50 lot in Granite Falls. Some parking Cars showing the entry of the lot. On the left hand side I designed three little cabins for guests and one bigger one for the wedding couple. On the right hand side the wedding starts with a little champagne entry. You can find two bars, a buffet, dinning tables unter a big tree, a stage for live music, a fire place, a dj desk and a lot ot place for dancing under latern lights. I built alson an arch full of plants there the couple can cut the wedding cake. In the surrounding of this arch I placed some pillwos and blanket for sitting in the grass. The main act of the weeding is the wedding ceremony, which is also placed outside in the direction of the waterfall. So you are able to make super romantic photos of the wedding.
Thanks to all creators who made this house possible with their CC, like Akuiyumi, animefemme, chlicket, k-hippie-k, Pocci GardenBreeze, MTSqueen, radioactive, Sjamboksim and many many more.
Required CC: alf-si: X, aggressivekitty: X, X, Anye: X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, BrazenLotus: X, X, Cowbuild: X, X, X, X, ForeverDesigns: X, X, X, KKB: X, littleDica: X, Nickname: X, X, X, X, Novvvas: X, X, X, X, X, X, X, PTS: X, RubyRed: X, X, X, Winer9: X, X, Wondymoon: X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X